Author(s): Rajesh Kumar, Arun Agarwala
The evolution of machinery represents an expansion of human capacities, an increase in human control over environment through the ability to elicit from instruments of production an increasing range a nd exactitude of response. But it is in the nature of machinery, and a corollary of technical development, that the control over machine need no longer be vested in its immediate operator. This possibility is seized upon by the capitalist mode of production and utilised to the fullest extent. The economic shaping of technology is, in fact, the social shaping of technology. The economic shaping, is one of Marx’s- the realisation that economic calculation and economic ‘laws’ are specific to particular forms of society, not universal. Every city had different rickshaw design and one can find Kolkutta and Delhi rickshaws are totally changed, in considerations, design and aesthetic look. Even if in all societies people have to try to reckon the costs and benefits of particular design decisions and technical choices, the form taken by that reckoning is importantly variable. A wider acceptance of scientific ideas in the society was a necessary condition for the achieving the major goals that the technology had set during inception of innovative idea. Phrases such as ‘scientific temper’ ‘broad scientific outlook’, scientific belief system’ and ‘scientific method’ echoed repeatedly in various forms of debate on ‘solar power rickshaw’ design and evolution of different variant for innovative application. Rural networking encompasses with postman that complete the societal networking. The country growth indicator reflected from the well connected society. The innovator vision is to empower postman with computer, internet, telephone, which support for post, email, talk, insurance, banking and safe secure parcel collection & delivery, up to last mileage of country. Solar power rickshaw fulfill the dreams of postman with reduced human drudgery employing complete green technology vehicle for the mobile post office. The proposed solar power rickshaw development model have multiple organisational involvement, with Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) as research and technology development, Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR) for promotion research and development (R&D) in private sector, Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE) subsidy to sensitise postman for technology adoption and for covering trial risk of new renewable energy technology, Ministry of Environment & Forest (MoEF) for benefit sharing under PoA- CDM and Department of Post (DOP) for encouragement for rural mobile post office. The business plan on solar power rickshaw for mobile post office for postman has been workout in this study keeping in view that postman is best media for dissemination of information during his daily travel on an average 20 km. Key Words : Solar Rickshaw, Postal Rickshaw, BLDC Motor, PMDC Motor