Author(s): K.K.Vaheeda* and Thara K. Simon**
The macrophytic algae Enteromorpha intestinal is, Chaetomorpha linum, Cladophora fascicularis, Gracillariopsis lemaneiformis, Calaglossa clavulatum and Hypnea musciformis were found in the estuarine s tation during the monsoon and postmonsoon seasons only. The increase in this macrophytic green alga suggests that the Azhicode Estuary is under the strain from anthropogenic interference and is undergoing eutrophication. The red algae Gracilariopsislemaneiformis and Centroceros clavulatum occurred around the pneumatophores of Aviccenia officinalis. Disappearance of these species during summer when the salinity was high (>20ppt) attributes to their status as ecological indicators.