
Author(s): Ariet Malaj

Training and development as a practice and procedure undertaken for the improvement of employee's performance in terms of attitude, skills, knowledge and behavior has become a very important practi ce in human resource management in successful organizations. The realization of this practice in its full range of public organizations is a real challenge, because public organizations often operate under a strict legal framework and flexibility and efficiency use of these practices is difficult. The main purpose of this paper is to introduce the main theoretical approaches related to training of all specialists in the budgetary sectors of public administration. Further, in a more practical level, other purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship of training with performance seen in two levels: individual and organizational ones. There are two main ways to realize the goals of this paper as following. Initially, is conducted a theoretical picture of attitudes to assess performance and its position in view of the performance of public administrator. Later, in order to answer to key questions of research it is designed and distributed a questionnaire on the Albanian public administration whose data are processed further. At the end, based on literature review and practical results, there are reflected some recommendations and conclusions. Keywords: Training, productivity, commitment, public administrator performance, organizational performance.