Title: Brochure of ENVISAGE 2018-RDNC
Author: R.D. & S. H. National College & S. W.A. Science College Linking Road, Bandra-50
Keyword: ENVISAGE 2018
Page No: i-ii
Abstract: Pioneering a new idea in the presence of industry tycoons can be a daunting prospect. Successful new enterprises can challenge the accepted norms with new concepts, thereby, transforming industries. The road to success can be tough for new businesses. However, we see some of the strongest ideas emerging from Startups. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi launched an ambitious program called ‘Startup India, Standup India’ initiative. India’s economic future lies in encouraging startups which will bring dynamism, new thinking and job creation in Indian economy. On account of the current consumer demographics, India offers the largest pie for investment opportunities that the world is eyeing. The need of the hour requires various stakeholders such as the government, educational institutions, consumers, financial institutions, students, corporate citizens, and others to join hands to build a better ecosystem of young, budding and socially responsible entrepreneurs. The format of ‘ENVISAGE 2018 - Start-Ups: Innovation to Reality’ (from Ideas to Markets), is analytically driven. It challenges the participant’s intrinsic knowledge about innovative start ups, their economic feasibility, employment generation ability, entrepreneurial skill development, social impact and the opportunities and prospects in India. Download PDF
Title: Abstract Book- Envisage 2018
Author: R.D. & S.H. National College & S.W. A Science College, Mumbai
Keyword: Envisage 2018
Page No: 01-56
Abstract: Envisage 2018- Start Ups Innovation to Reality –Ideas to Markets R. D. & S. H. National College aims at shaping and empowering today's youth with thoughts and actions focusing on the development of the nation. With this aim in mind, R. D. National College, Departments of BMS and BAF conceptualized Envisage, an intellectual and innovative featuring of ideas on the relevant current economic trends which impacts the socio-economic, financial system of the country. Envisage 2108 was organized in association with JOHR. Journal of Harmonized Research in Applied Science is a quarterly published journal of JOHR; it publishes original innovative research, review articles, short communication, technical and educational forum, letter to editor, of great significance in relevant field. The journal is open access quarterly publication. All published research articles in this journal undergo rigorous peer review. This journal also serves the society of scientists and researcher with ideal, innovative and genuine research work to develop the idea. It accepts articles on biological sciences, biodiversity, biotechnology, agricultural sciences, chemistry, environmental sciences, life sciences, physics, mathematics and statistics, geology, engineering, social sciences, management sciences. Envisage -18 A National Level Conference on Startups – Innovation to Reality – Ideas to Markets was organized on Saturday 24th March 2018 The Chairperson was Principal Dinesh Panjwani and the Convener for the Conference was Ms. Lakshmi Iyer. 150 participants attended the conference which included researchers, industry experts, faculty members and students. 35 Researchers presented their research papers at this National Level Conference. 48 Researchers sent their abstracts which were released in the abstract book compiled by the college. The conference began with the welcome address by Dr. Vibha Mehra who introduced the departments of BMS and BAF and the articulated the vision of these departments and their efforts to inculcate financial literacy and entrepreneurial skills among students over the years since establishment in 2010 followed by Dr. Indu Shashtri Former HOD Chemistry who gave the underlying idea of ENVISAGE and explained the theme” Start up Innovation to Reality – Ideas to Markets” and its relevance to the current economic scenario. Dr.Mona Kejriwal spoke on the Journal of Harmonized Research and Social Sciences and details of publishing . The program began with the auspicious lighting of lamp and an invocation song. Talk by Keynote Speaker Mr. Shriram Viswanathan The Conference began with a speech given by the Keynote Speaker Mr. Shriram Viswanathan, Chief Business officer- S R Kay Consulting Group .He has handled various portfolios and worked across the globe in companies like Citi Bank and The Lehman Brothers. Mr Shriram Viswanathan started with the quote: “Always consider failure as a door opened rather than opportunities closed”. He spoke on start ups and their relevance in growing India .He spoke about various success stories and his experiences with various top companies across the globe including the Lehman Brothers. His broad experience across various Financial institutions and organizations was shared with the students and researchers present. He ended with the quote “Youth should believe in taking risks in your career by taking up start ups at the early stages of their life” The keynote speakers address was followed by vibrant discussions panelists from various entrepreneurial areas like hospitality ,marketing, NGO, education, government policies who give their insight on start ups and share their success stories and also gave suggestions and avenues where startups are a success. The panel discussion was moderated by Principal of MMK College Dr. A.C. Vanjani who moderated all the panelists who gave his insights on the speakers, their start up venture and critically evaluated their presentations. Download PDF
Title: Technical Report - Envisage 2018
Author: Dr. Mona Kejariwal
Keyword: ENVISAGE 2018
Page No: 57-63
Abstract: Envisage 2018- Start Ups Innovation to Reality –Ideas to Markets R. D. & S. H. National College aims at shaping and empowering today's youth with thoughts and actions focusing on the development o f the nation. With this aim in mind, R. D. National College, Departments of BMS and BAF conceptualized Envisage, an intellectual and innovative featuring of ideas on the relevant current economic trends which impacts the socio-economic, financial system of the country. Envisage 2108 was organized in association with JOHR. Download PDF
Title: Conference proceeding - Envisage 2018
Author: Dr. Mona Kejariwal
Keyword: ENVISAGE 2018
Page No: 64-193
Abstract: Envisage 2018- Start Ups Innovation to Reality –Ideas to Markets R. D. & S. H. National College aims at shaping and empowering today's youth with thoughts and actions focusing on the development o f the nation. With this aim in mind, R. D. National College, Departments of BMS and BAF conceptualized Envisage, an intellectual and innovative featuring of ideas on the relevant current economic trends which impacts the socio-economic, financial system of the country. Envisage 2108 was organized in association with JOHR. Download PDF